Welcome to

Infinitely magnetic

A program for the woman who is ready to step into her Inner Authority, Infinite Softness, and Full Magnificence.

Have you ever felt that you are not fully living your true brilliant life, but a life that others imagine for you?

Are you longing to express yourself in your full aliveness but are afraid that you will be judged or rejected?

Are you often caught in the cycle of perfectionism and overwhelm and “forget” to simply receive joy and pleasure from life?

What would it feel like to embody your aliveness, pleasure, and erotic core and use it as a portal for manifesting levels of bliss beyond your wildest dreams?

I am here to remind you… And to gently and lovingly guide you there, providing the phenomenal tools and practices to support you on the journey.

Does this sound like you?

I trust that we are meant to work together!

Imagine waking up three months from now to realize that:

Your vision is clear, your desires are being received daily.

Your fears, limiting beliefs and blocks no longer have power over you, your inner critic is silent

Your relationship with your SELF is loving and supportive, you no longer put yourself last.

Your gifts and talents are opening up and blossoming 

You relationship with time changes, you feel more freedom

You are fully open and capable to receive and hold all the abundance that's flowing to you

You attract wealth, connection, synchronicity and miracles

Your relationships are harmonious and flow with ease

When you do experience conflict, it is easy to repair and harmonize gracefully

All areas of your life are experiencing a renaissance and you find yourself smiling, laughing and in joy more than ever.

Feel confident and grounded in your inner knowing, your desires clear, and your ability to receive uncompromisingly.

Have a beautiful arsenal of spiritual and practical tools to navigate challenges with grace and neutrality.

Feel more open-hearted, expanded and inspired

Ready to embody LOVE, surrender to LOVE and live as LOVE.

Radiant woman,

I know that all of this, and so much more is available for you…

Infinitely Magnetic is your initiation into a level of embodiment, trust and wisdom that will consistently allow for miracles to unfold in your life. 

We will dive into what it means to live as the highest expression of your unique gifts and talents, your feminine allure, sensuality, receptivity and joy. 

You will clarify your Glorious Life Vision and make it non-negotiable, and show up as the highest version of yourself in all areas of life.

Your relationships, work, connections, career, ability to receive pleasure, to be present and to walk through life in your birthright of radiance and fullness will become the new normal. 

Effortlessness and grace are your new signature!

Infinitely Magnetic is for you if:

You know that  you are DESTINED for more (more joy, more pleasure, more wisdom, more connection love and bliss)

You desire to feel more confident, more embodied, more feminine, sensual and fully seen. 

You feel that you are in a transition in life and desire support to propel you to the next level in your journey

You desire to experience deeper connection with you Soul and with the Divine, with your Intuition and Trust

You are craving a meaningful aligned community support, reflection, shared experience and your own heart centered family of women to share the journey with.

You feel called to have an experience with an embodiment guide who sees through your excuses and resistance into your gorgeous feminine heart, your full potential, your absolute brilliance.

A coach that will continuously push you toward your greatness and most embodied self.

Wherever you currently are in your personal journey, Infinitely Magnetic will initiate you into a fully expressed, confident and fulfilled version of you.

Join me and a group of extraordinary women in this program that will become the gift that keeps on giving.

Join Us!

This training is NOT for you if:

  • You do not want to take full responsibility for all aspects of your life

  • You are not willing to be coachable and embrace the process of transformation.

  • You are not willing to put in the work and explore all the amazing tools that you will be provided.

  • You are not willing to be vulnerable or uncomfortable in service to your own growth.

  • Being in service, making a positive impact on others and the world is not important to you.

Topics we will dive into:

If not NOW… WHEN?

About Gina:

Gina is a pleasure and embodiment guide, the owner and Priestess of Moon Temple and founder of Moon and Jai. Her self discovery path spans several decades. She has produced yoga retreats around the world, consulted at Hippocrates Health Institute, built community and created programming for the iconic Sacred Space, and has held space for hundreds of humans in workshops, circles and various transformational containers. Always immersed in shamanic, transformational and mystical disciplines, she loves sharing her playful and ritualistic approach to life. She has learned that living in Devotion, honoring cycles, praying at the altar of nature and synchronicity produces tangible and glorious results. As she learned that the energy of pleasure and playfulness holds the vibration of eternal life, she has been dedicated to pleasure and embodiment as potent medicine to lead to a deeper connection with Soul. In allowing circuits of pleasure to animate our lives, we break up energetic blockages that prevent us from achieving our full potential, we get out of our head and into the body, into the heart and into the most potent manifestation of magic that we can dream of. Gina wants to share this path with all!

as part of this training:

What you will get

2 Deep dive calls with Gina


Telegram channel with daily transmissions and support from Gina and from your co-stars

Home play following each session

Gorgeous handouts, amazing tools, rituals and practices that will stay with you always

EXTRA BONUS ~ Gorgeous package with a cornucopia of gifts (IE stunning journal, ritual kit, cleansing herbs and beautiful crystals, oracle deck, sacred geometry water charger, and other surprises worth $333

Sisterhood and deep support of community and the powerful field that we co-create together 

A small intimate container where we get to know ourselves, and learn through the experience of our fellow journeyers, get consistent reflection, mirroring, honoring.

FOREVER access to recordings, handouts and practices to support you on your journey 

Unconditional love, support, growth, and infinite magic beyond your wildest dreams

Monthly laser coaching call and Q+A


  • Yes! This training is a great fit for someone at the start of their embodiment journey, or if you have been playing with these practices for a while.

  • Private exploration of sexual energy and the energy of pleasure will play a role in the training. It is not the main focus of the training. This is not a “tantra” or “ sacred sexuality” training, although sexuality is one of the lenses we will look through. It is not as much about sex as it is about using the raw power of pleasure as a magic dust to radically upgrade all areas of your life!

  • This training is for women, however your beloved will be the lucky recipient of your new radiance and knowing. You are encouraged to share with your beloved by embodying the teachings, and be gentle and patient with his process as he catches up to you.

  • You can always “pass” on sharing. It has been my experience that once in the training, sharing becomes a vital and deeply joyful part of the transformation. And it is always optional.

  • Yes! You can pay in two or four installments.

  • Book a call with me. I am happy to answer any questions you might have.

I would love for you to join us in creating a life of pure magic!

Before you press the button below ~ allow this affirmation to guide the way:

“It is safe for me to spend money on this training. I fully trust that this investment will be returned to me tenfold in the form of confidence, inner knowing and magnetism!
I deserve support and inspiration! I deserve to have my Vision become my Reality!”

I can’t wait for this journey!

Feel Inspired Fulfilled and Magnetic!

You Deserve all that you desire!

Pleasure and Joy are your birthright

Experience Pure Radiance from the inside out

What would you LOVE to live every day of your life?

Envision it and it is YOURS

Feel Inspired Fulfilled and Magnetic! You Deserve all that you desire! Pleasure and Joy are your birthright Experience Pure Radiance from the inside out What would you LOVE to live every day of your life? Envision it and it is YOURS